Friday, January 07, 2011

A Star Student Day

Anika had an AMAZING DAY! She was the "Star Student" at school this week so she was invited to bring in pictures, tell about herself, and plan special things for the week. So, today she got to play a guitar duet with her dad (and then have him lead some singing with the class), bring cupcakes to school, have "Happy Birthday" sung to her, and then after school, her birthday party. Almost more than a 6-almost-7-year-old can take -- almost:-)

Playing "Our God Is An Awesome God" with her Dad: She practiced really hard all week:

She was so embarassed when her class sang "Happy Birthday" and she had to stand up front with Mrs. DeJong. (Embarassed but delighted!!):

1 comment:

Kris said...

WOW sounds like you had an amazing day Ankia! Love seeing the pictures. Heidi, hope you have recouped! I had all 7 grandkids the other day and I'm still tired!