Friday, October 08, 2010

Weekend Away

Since we hadn't been down to see Lloyd's family since April, we knew that we needed to take advantage of Anika's teacher in-service break to head south. We had a wonderful weekend of family time -- playing at the park, hanging out with the cousins, making crafts, eating, laughing, talking. . .

Kat at Nene's:
Drew at Nene's
Anika at Nene's:

Nathaniel & Drew:
Kathryn & Josie:
Auntie Christine & Simon:
Anika & Auntie Rachel:
Craft time with Aunt Rachel:
More cousin time:

Uncle Craig:
Lloyd & Aunt Rachel:

The Brillant Hostess, Christine:
IPHONE ADDICITION (3 generations of iphone users):
The kiddos with Nene & Papa:

1 comment:

Jonathan said...

How wonderful to have so many cousins! Love the blog background. :)