Wednesday, October 20, 2010

First French Braid

Kathryn got her first french braid. (I haven't done much with her hair because the curls are so fun!)Here is how she feels about it:


Jonathan said...

I love this! What a great pic to take...she is so lucky to have those curls, although I know they're a lot of work for you!

VM Family said...

You have to teach me how to do that! Ella is always asking for "the fancy braid", but I have just never mastered it! It's a very special treat when aunties and babysitters do that to Ella's hair for her!

Someday Kat will see the value of this and put her grumpy face away. :)

Hilary said...

Is that a Ralph Lauren Fight Club shirt? I can totally see Kat being into that!