Monday, October 04, 2010

Odds & Ends

Just a post to cover a lot of little things going on around here. Now that school is in session and we've found our routine, we haven't had too much "blog worthy" happenings.

Kat and Drew enjoy the park:
Snack time:

Anika (and our neighbor Anne) hung some swing in the tree out front. My kids have LOVED it! Swinging, climbing trees, staying out until dark. . . bliss!

This little pose is thanks to the kids at school. I have no idea what the peace sign is about. . .
Kathryn helped Daddy destroy some hard drives -- don't get in her way!!!!


Jonathan said...

Great pics of the kiddos! I know what you mean, takes up so much time and makes it pass so quickly, too!


VM Family said...

Hey! Good to see you again! :) Let's meet at that park sometime. With the noon pickup, we're there at least one morning a week!

Amy said...

Cute pictures! I miss our park dates though!!