Sunday, July 04, 2010

Vacation 2010: Faces of Family

This last post is just some faces of our favorite people:-)

Andrew adores Ian:Just a reminder that Lloyd is not just on vacation:

Anika & Ali were fast friends -- here they are writing words to their songs for a performance:
Grandpa loves to hand out black liquorice -- so far only his grandsons have been fans but Kathryn warmed his heart as his first grandgirls to come back for more. . . & more. . . & more.
Grandpa with Eli & Andrew:
Grandpa with Kat:
Talking on the phone to Daddy while he was away at Synod:


Mommy & Anika:

Friends (and enemies)!

My kids learned to enjoy t-storms while we were there. One day we stood outside and watched it roll in. Quite an experience. Here Kat is on the front steps watching the trees sway.

Isaiah, Eli & Andrew:
Grandpa snuggles Kat and Wrigley (my sister's three-legged pug -- cutest dog EVER):

Grandma & Kat:
Aunt Hilary & Kat:

Kat got a kick out of chasing Joshua (so did he, I think).


Mom & her girls:

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