Thursday, July 29, 2010

Sac Zoo - again:-)

We enjoyed another great (but markedly different) day at the zoo. Last time we went it was winter, this time is was 90+ degrees. However (like everytime we've gone) there were some special moments. To our delight, we were able to enjoy a very talkative parrot this time.

Our traditional picture spot:

I tried to keep the animal pictures to a minimum but. . . well, we're really enjoying our new camera;-)
King of the Jungle yawns:
and bathes:
Baby tiger:
Mommy tiger:

Our parrot friend (look for another post with video ):
Getting a monkey painted on her arm:
Daddy & Kat wait patiently:

Andrew gets his shark:
New piglets:
Refueling & rehydrating:

Top it all off with a carousel ride:

1 comment:

VM Family said...

Having just returned from the beach, I LOVE your new background! :)

That new camera of your does take some wonderful pictures! I'm really enjoying them. I find a good camera and an obession with blogging can be a dangerous combo though!