Monday, September 28, 2009

Go, Cubs, Go!!!!

What a game! I can't believe it has taken me so long to get these up. We had a fabulous time at a Cubs vs. Giants game. The Cubs pulled out a 3-2 victory in the last out of the ninth. (Nail bitter for sure! I screamed myself hoarse.)

Beautiful AT&T Park in San Fran.
Our seats were in the upper deck but right behind home plate. The TV cameras were right next to us.
The fog comes rolling in . . .

This Coke bottle holds a slide -- next summer we'll have to take the kids so they can enjoy it.

1 comment:

VM Family said...

So glad the Cubbies pulled out a win for you guys! :)

We looked into getting tickets for this game series, but were just too busy this weekend. Hope to make it to a Cubs game in SF one of these summers!