Saturday, January 17, 2009

Comparative Photograph

We've been told before that our kids have "some family resemblance". (One person put it like this: "No one can kidnap those kids; you know who they belong too.) So, when Anika found an old picture of herself and she thought it was Kathryn, I did a little searching. . . Here are our girls at approx. the same age.

Can you guess which is Anika and which is Kathryn? (Answers below:-))


B. C.
E. F.

(Answers: A. Kat B. Anika C. Anika D. Kat E. Kat F. Anika)


Anonymous said...

WOW! I knew they looked alike but seeing that really shows it! I did guess them all right though the last one in the high chairs was a little tough! Now you know your going to really have two heart breakers! And then a male one to go with it! Beautiful gifts from God!

Quiver Full said...

They are so cute and they look so much alike! I think I guessed correctly for each picture...however, it was a little difficult to tell in a couple of them! How fun!