Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Heat Wave???

It is beginning to really warm up around here:-) Anika and Andrew continue to enjoy the sprinkler -which is a good thing since it is supposed to be TRIPLE DIGITS here the next few days. (I'm not used to being pregnant in this kind of heat - Anika and Andrew were both Jan. babies. And yes, I'm STILL pregnant!!!)
Anika's idea of sunbathing:-)Daddy's idea of abusing the dog:-) (It is supposed to be Anika's hula skirt cover-up but Lloyd liked it on Scout. Isn't she a patient little beast?)


Anonymous said...

OH MY - I love Anika's sun bathing! And Andrew...you get more hansome everyday!
It's suppose to go from 69 to the hight 90's this week for us! I'm sure that will be quite a shock to our systems, since our heater was running on it's own yesterday morning! In fact I've got the one running by my desk as we speak! I don't envy you being pregnant in the heat...but it won't be long and you will have that little one here. God Bless, Kris

Anonymous said...

LOVE Scout's skirt!! She looks adorable...just like the kiddos...what a cute picture!