Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Shopping with Anika

Anika has asked me repeatedly this week to "Play the lady". What she means is that we play cashier and she checks me out about a thousand times. I've purchased clothing, groceries, pictures, world peace. . . but she never gets enough of it. I'm afraid it might be difficult to teach the concept of money when it is so convienent to use plastic. (She is imitating mommy after all. . .) It is too easy for her to see Mommy go to the store, select what we need, walk thru the check out lane, and take it home. Any thoughts on teaching stewardship to a two-year old? (We certainly do live in a disposable, fast food culture. This just becomes more obvious to me as I raise my children.) Anyway, perhaps I'm drawing too much from a 2 years old innocent desire to mimic the adult world (and I really think she just likes the motion of swiping a card and making the beeping noises:-))

Anika scanning the object to be purchased:
Anika swipes the card (thru the couch cushions!)
Anika returning the credit card:

1 comment:

Van Lente Family said...

I have wondered the same thing about teaching the kids about stewardship in such a fast paced, gotta have everything world. Lexi does enjoy giving a quarter to Jesus every week at church and if she has done something that we felt she deserved compensation for, she goes and finds that money to give to Jesus the following Sunday plus an additional quarter from Mommy and Daddy (she wants to be sure that we give money to Jesus also!! ;-) ) Now I am trying to figure out more of the saving part of stewardship. Sorry this is a super long comment, I should of emailed you! Niki