Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Saying Goodbye to Pake

WARNING: This post contains extreme amounts of pictures -- probably only of interest to family:-)  Read at your own risk.

What a week!  Last fall, we were posting a similar post about rushing off to spend time with family as we said goodbye to a special man.  This week we took a marathon road trip to Oregon to see family we hadn't seen (ever!) and celebrate the well-lived life of Lloyd's 98 year old grandfather.  The kids did great and made lots of new friends with the cousins' kids.

Kids with Nene & Papa

Kids with Uncle Egbert and Aunt Anna!  Andrew now has a favorite uncle in Alaska.  (Don't tell him how far THAT road trip would be.)

The House!  Pake's house has seen so many generations and celebrations.

Visiting - the best part of getting together.

Tea time - of course!
Pure silliness

Pake's Kids: Chris, Anna, Arlene, Douwina, Egbert

I think silliness is inherited!


Family from Canada

People, people, people

Grumpy face!

Making friends

More Canadian relatives - but they also brought a sister from the Netherlands.

Shoot or pass????  I had no idea my kids liked to play basketball!

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