Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Color the Skies 2011

Even with the best of intentions, it is really hard to get up at the crack of dawn to see hot air balloons launch. . . The balloons were supposed to launch between 6:30-7:30am. When our eyes popped open at 7:05 we were pretty sure we would miss the show. We were pleasantly surprised that we were still able to catch the last balloon launch and enjoy the festive atmosphere.

This was our view on the way to the park. We were pretty sure we missed it.

But when we arrived, at 7:30, the last balloon was slowly rising.

Last year, we didn't know how close you could get to the balloons. This year the kids were so excited to get up close and personal with a hot air balloon.

Lloyd had fun snapping a few pictures of the inside.
And then it went right over our heads:

Up. . .

Up. . .

And away. . .

Then we headed home with some donuts to enjoy the rest of the day together. Next year we might just sleep in a enjoy some of the other festivities - sky jumpers, competitive kite flying, etc.

1 comment:

VM Family said...

Glad you could sleep in AND still see some balloons! You even got to see our favorite Cheers balloon. That one is a Color the Skies staple!