Thursday, August 14, 2008

Wii Fever

Well, we did it. . . We bought a Wii game system. Lloyd and I have talked about it for months. I've been fascinated by this "interACTIVE" gaming device and after I tried my sister's family's Wii in Morrison, I was hooked. Now, I'm just shocked at how quickly a 4 year old has mastered this new technology. Anika LOVES it. She is becoming an expert at the lingo for so many sports. I can hear her saying, "nice on" or "nice approach" as I play golf. I will be encouraged to "hit it out of the park" or "don't get a foul ball" as I swing the bat. And sometimes she will show her competitive spirit as she wish for me to NOT "make a strike" in bowling as I come to the final "frame".

As a side note: Lloyd and I can't believe how sore we are:-) It really does make you work - and work up a sweat!
We've discovered that Anika is a lefty for sure!


The VM Family said...

Wii Par-tay at the Wickers!! When are we coming over? :)

(Dave is dying to get one too...)

Anonymous said...

You've got to try Wii Fit! I love to do the exercise on it ...and I hate to exercise!

Anonymous said...

We just got a Wii too and I can't believe how sore I am either.