Thursday, November 08, 2007

It's True

Some of you guessed from my comment about the "3" on the rocking chair that we are expecting a new baby. Today Daddy, Anika, and Andrew joined Mommy to hear the heartbeat.
Our little princess, Anika, thought it was pretty cool. Her first question today when I told her we were going to the doctor was, "Is the baby going to come out?" She lives in her princess dresses and ballerina costumes so she is "pretty in pink" in this clip.

(I hope this works - you might need to turn the volume up)!


Van Lente Family said...

How fun! Anika truly looks like a princess and excited!! Enjoy this time!

Shanelle said...

How fun! Great idea to take video of hearing the heartbeat. It's such an amazing sound. How cute that Anika is holding your hand, such a good lil mommy she is!

Anonymous said...

Wow, one more new person with a heartbeat! How exciting and how fun for those around you. Oh, what a blessing to carry another little member of God's world. Blessings to you and your family. Thank you for sharing with us. Nadya