Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Me, too, Claire!

Anika has big news!!! Anika is a big girl. She has been wearing panties for THREE days (with only 1 accident). I'm so proud of her. My friend, Deb, gave her daughter, Claire, Dora the Explorer Cereal if she was dry for a day. Well, I think it should be the latest in potty training techniques. Anika was so excited about eating her Dora Cereal. That and Potty Time Elmo were instrumental in this amazing turn around. (Although I not excited about the amazing influence that television characters have on my child, I couldn't be happier about losing the diapers and pull-ups.)


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Anika
I'm so proud of you for being such a big girl!
Way to go
Mrs. Kris

Van Lente Family said...

Yeah for potty training, I really don't like pushing character items either, but... sometimes it seems to help a lot. Keep up the good work. Niki

Anonymous said...

First you take over Mommie's job of feeding Andrew, now your a potty-trained machine - what next with you girlfriend? If you were here I would grab your hand, shake it, and say "Congradalashuns Anika" just like you did to me.