Saturday, July 30, 2011

Vacation part 5: Train Travel

Anika was so sad to leave Grandma & Grandpa that she had to have a picture to take with on the train. Yes, the TRAIN!!! We took Amtrak home from IL to CA - a 40+ hour trip. It was an adventure and not without its moments of insanity but overall I prefer it to air travel hands down.

Watching the trains come in:

Waiting at the station -- lots of waiting with train travel since they don't own the rails, they have to give right of way to freight trains. We were about 1 1/2 hours late leaving.

Still smiling:

On the platform as the train pulls in:

Our home for the next two days! One of my biggest concerns way having power (to recharge cell phones, laptops, etc. but each row had two outlets so we had plenty!!!) Here the three kids share two of the seats -- there was SO much room :-):
Day Two: Playing games, coloring and watching the amazing scenery in the observation car.

Denver, CO

No pictures of the dining car. We learned the hard way that the dinner hour get REALLY late since the sleeper car costumers get first reservations. We were on "last call" and our very tired and cranky kids weren't very interested in dinner at 9:30pm. In the future, we will have our dining car meal at breakfast or lunch NOT dinner! That being said, our breakfast the next day was wonderful and fun - now we know and so do you:-)

Donner Lake in California. Almost home!!!!

Near the center of this pictrue is a bald eagle sitting by his nest - you can't see the Mommy and baby but the conductor shared that they have been watching this family all season - so cool!

1 comment:

VM Family said...

Welcome home! SO glad to hear you not only survived the train, but also enjoyed it! Maybe some day we'll be as brave as you. :)