Saturday, July 30, 2011

Vacation part 1: Celebrating 40 years

We flew into St. Louis, MO this year to enjoy a week at LAke of the Ozarks at my Mom & Dad's condo. All the sisters and their families were there too. What a great time!!!! We started the week off by taking Mom & Dad out to celebrate their 40th Anniversary. Karissa (grandchild #1) was gracious enough to watch the kiddos so the adults could enjoy a night away. We surprised them we a private showing of a video tribute that Hilary put together. It was so fun!

All the kiddos finishing dinner so they can watch a movie with Karissa.

The sisters (not the normal "lake look"): Jeff & Heather:
Lloyd & Heidi:

Jason & Hilary:

Dad & Mom:

The family (yes, life is good!):

At the private theater:

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