Thursday, September 10, 2009

My Little Monkey

At this stage in life, a mother can't even go to the bathroom. . .
A true little monkey - she got up on the counter and began eating bananas, with the peel still on!!!
I'm not sure how much peel she ate. . .
Pretty proud!
Partner in crime. . .


Quiver Full said...

Seriously, Heidi....if only we could have your Kathryn and my Samuel spend some time together. I think we'd have some good laughs! Sam does the same things...especially with the banana. First reaction to when he did it was, "yucky...gross!" Now, it's one more thing we haven gotten used to with him! :0) I love the picture of Kathryn on the counter...her face is priceless! Also...gotta love those "partners in crime"!

Jonathan said...

The headband is awfully cute with her darling, crazy hair!


Amy said...

So cute! I've had (am still having actually) many moments like that with Jackson.