Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Kids on Wheels

I think imitation is an art of childhood. And Kathryn has plenty to imitate. She decided tonight that she needs to wear a helmet, just like her older sister and brother.
Andrew continues to work on his bike skills; he still can't start by himself but he has going and stopping down:-)
Kathryn's hair. . . well, it just makes me sigh and shrug my shoulders. I love her curls but what to do with it?!?!? I discovered hairbands this weekend. I love that she leaves them in and it keeps the hair out of her face. (And I don't need to cut off all those gorgeous curls!!!)


Kris said...

OHHHHHHHHH don't cut those curls! My boys had those types of curls and I waited as long as possible to cut them. Scott was actually thought to be a girl when he ended up in the emergency room when he was 9 months old...his hair was just like hers! Needless to say...daddy made me cut it the next week. :0(
Love and hugs to all

Jonathan said...

I love those curls!!!

Amy said...

They're both so cute!!