Sunday, March 22, 2015

Fall 2014: Catching Up

Well, loyal blog watchers, forgive me for my lack of posting! And now I'm going to try a couple of huge catch up posts:-)  I read once that you will never regret blogging, only not doing it. So, I'm going to try and get a couple of months into a couple of posts. Here are a few things we did to keep busy while Lloyd was off at training:

Red Ribbon Week: The kiddos were all decked out in red!

Costumes for Trunk or Treating

FaceTime with Daddy!

Anika cheering at a Knights' Football Game!

Kathryn (somewhere in the back) cheering!

Good-bye party hosted by the Jungs!

Chaplain Sunday at AVCRC 

Thanksgiving Play at Kathryn's class

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