Saturday, May 12, 2012

Loving Ripon

The last Sat. in April, we participated in a wonderful event called LoveRipon.  It was a community-wide service day sponsered by numerous churches in town.  There were signs up all over town and you could go online and pick a service project.  Projects were designed to be family-friendly and ranged from baking cookies, to landscaping, to painting, to pulling cables at a local school to help move their computer lab.  It was an amazing day -- we worked hard at spreading woodchips the bike trail.  The kids were troopers!
Anika, Andrew and Kathryn show that they love Ripon!
The kick-off crowd at the community center.
Katnryn gets into the spirit of things

Working hard to spread out the wood chips

1 comment:

VM Family said...

I'm liking the new way you caption your blog pictures. I'm gonna have to figure out how you did that! :)