Monday, February 06, 2012

Under the Weather

Last week was a L-O-N-G week for Anika! She came home Weds. complaining of a sore throat, but then it was fever and vomiting all night long. I couldn't keep the fever down, so Fri. am we headed off to the doctor. Strep wasn't a surprise but the rash was! Somehow I missed the scarlet fever/scarlatina rash covering Anika's body. Our sick little girl is now on the mend but I'm posting a pic for the grandmas. Boy, am I grateful for modern medicine!!!! Yeah, antibiotics!!!

Anika showing off her red (scarlet) cheek.

1 comment:

VM Family said...

That poor, poor girl! Braces AND strep?! Please tell me you took her out for ice cream! :)