Thursday, December 18, 2008

Lion, Witch and Wardrobe

Anika caught part of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe on TV the other day and was mesmerized. So, I let her watch the DVD -- with some parental involvement. She loved it! I'll never forget the moment she saw Aslan after he sacrificed himself. "He's ALIVE" she gasped in awe!
Since then, all she has played is Narnia. She is equals parts Susan/Lucy. Andrew is Peter. Mom is usually the White Witch (no comments on type-casting, please). When Anne visited, she joined in as well, since she is reading the Chronicles of Narnia right now.

Andrew shows off his sword and shield. Anika has her horn and her arrows slung across her back. Anne has a wand.


The VM Family said...

What's up with us loving, sacrificial moms being cast as the evil characters? Whenever Ella plays Cinderella, I always have to be the wicked stepmother!

Van Lente Family said...

We just rented an animated version of 'The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe', the kids are loving it. Definitely do need the parental involvement to explain some things but overall they also really like it!! :-)