Thursday, September 14, 2006

Big News

Well, I guess it isn't directly our big news but within a week or so we got two big announcements.

Lloyd's sister, Rachel, is getting married! She and Craig are planning a summer wedding in '07. Lloyd will get to marry his sister. (No jokes about the legality of that - I've made them all already!) And I've been asked to stand-up. We are so delighted! They may get a chance to visit us around Christmas time which would be a great time to get to know Craig.

Secondly, my sister, Hilary, called and she is expanding her role from aunt to MOM! She and Jason are expecting their first child in late April. We are so excited for them. So, it looks like it will be another wonderful summer of traveling to celebrate with family.


Van Lente Family said...

Beth told us about Hilary the other day (well she told me mom, who in turn told me!) How exciting for all of you. I hope all goes well for Hilary and Jason & also for all of the wedding fun for Rachel and Craig. Niki

Van Lente Family said...

Congratulations!! How much fun will you have! Beth had actually let us know about Hilary, but still how fun for all of you!!!