Thursday, October 31, 2013

Pumpkin Carving 2013

Better late than never was our motto this year.  Last night we finally carved up a few pumpkins.  The kids were so excited and every year they are able to participate more and more.  Kathryn really enjoyed it this year!  The funny thing about last minute plans is that they can often go so much better.  I was so pleased with this year's carving results. 

A Long Weekend

So, here is a long post about a long weekend.  Our kids had a Friday off of school in early Oct. Being the fantastic parents that we are (wink, wink), we made plans to head down south. We had so many great reasons: Lloyd had to meet with his DMin. group, we could visit with family, Anika could go to San Juan Capistrano for her 4th grade CA Mission project,  . . .  However, the best laid plan often end in upheaval.  We had a member of our church die and so Lloyd had a funeral scheduled smack dab in the middle of our "vacation".  Because we had so many great reasons for going south, we also had no way to get out of them;-)  My poor husband drove to 6 hours on Thurs, turned around and drove 6 hours on Friday. Then 6 hours back on Sat. and 6 hours home on Sunday.  Long story short, it was not a vacation for Daddy - and I think in hindsight we would do things differently. 
However, the rest of us had a great time.  We went to see the mission and learned a lot. We went to a petting zoo and the kids were able to ride a horse (BIG wish-come-true for Anika).  We took Chloe to Huntington Beach and the kids got SOAKED.  We spent time with family and I conquered my fear of driving in southern California (kind of.)

Super Kid Kat

Wow, it has already been a few weeks since Kat was able to celebrate being the "Super Kid" in Kinderbeaner land.  (They are KB, hence the appellation Kinderbeaners!)  I was so glad that I was done with class in time to visit the classroom with Kathryn and help her share her poster - and pass out brownies!