Saturday, August 24, 2013

Back to School 2013

I'm not quite sure where the time went -- either the summer time or the week and half since school started!!!!  We are certainly back into the hustle and bustle of the school year.  I'm about 1/2 way through this quarter.  Anika is loving 4th grade with Mrs. Van Neiuwenhuyzen (although she isn't loving the morning good-byes).  Andrew is delighted to have Mrs. Veltkamp for 2nd grade just like his older sister.  Kathryn is off to a smashing start in kindergarten with her fabulous Mrs. Huisken.  We're feeling really blessed.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

California: Reunions, Remembering, and Relaxing part 2

Here are a few fun things we were able to do together:

California: Reunions, Remembering, Relaxing

Just days after returning from Missouri (and teaching my first class of the new quarter), we were headed south to celebrate Lloyd's 20th class reunion and our 15th anniversary.  The kids were dropped off for a fantastic weekend of family and fun: cousins, sleepovers, and Nene!!  Lloyd and I had a nice time at his reunion and then had the opportunity to get away for a night at Huntington Beach. We had dinner near the very spot where we were engaged.  It was an eventful evening since the US Open of Surfing & Skating had just ended and the rowdy crowd decided to get a bit violent/destructive.  Our anniversary dinner at Duke's was lengthened when the restaurant was locked down because of the riot outside.  It was still a memorable and special time away.



Lake Week!

I'm so behind in blogging!!!  So bear with me as I attempt to update you, loyal blog readers, on a few months of summer vacation:-)
We had a wonderful visit to Missouri in July.  We went to Grandpa & Grandma's condo on Lake of the Ozark, MO.  I don't have many pictures to share -- which should just tell you how relaxing it was.  We simply hung out with family (Gma & Gpa, Hilary's fam), jumped in the lake, plopped in the pool, threw a line off the dock, ate some food, slept. . .  It was great!