Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Summer Fun with Flubber

Saying Goodbye to Pake

WARNING: This post contains extreme amounts of pictures -- probably only of interest to family:-)  Read at your own risk.

What a week!  Last fall, we were posting a similar post about rushing off to spend time with family as we said goodbye to a special man.  This week we took a marathon road trip to Oregon to see family we hadn't seen (ever!) and celebrate the well-lived life of Lloyd's 98 year old grandfather.  The kids did great and made lots of new friends with the cousins' kids.

Kids with Nene & Papa

Kids with Uncle Egbert and Aunt Anna!  Andrew now has a favorite uncle in Alaska.  (Don't tell him how far THAT road trip would be.)

The House!  Pake's house has seen so many generations and celebrations.

Visiting - the best part of getting together.

Tea time - of course!
Pure silliness

Pake's Kids: Chris, Anna, Arlene, Douwina, Egbert

I think silliness is inherited!


Family from Canada

People, people, people

Grumpy face!

Making friends

More Canadian relatives - but they also brought a sister from the Netherlands.

Shoot or pass????  I had no idea my kids liked to play basketball!

More Locks, More Love!

 After months of begging, I finally gave in:-) Obviously, I had a much hard time than Anika did in thinking about cutting off her locks.  She was so excited that, on the first week of summer break, we had Becky come over to chop off her hair for Locks of Love.  She was able to donate 12 in to Locks of Love with an additional 2 inches or so to trim and even.  Grand Total: 14 inches less hair.