Thursday, May 30, 2013

Anniversary 2013 (IT FITS)

Many anniversaries my mom would don her wedding gown and get pictures taken with my dad. I told Anika about that and she has hounded me for years to do the same. Somehow, though, it never happened. . .until today! On this milestone anniversary (15 years), I unwrapped, unzipped and slipped into that heavy gown. What fun it was to remember those days. Fifteen years ago, I stood up before friends and family and vowed to live my life with my best friend, Lloyd Wicker. At that moment, I couldn't imagine loving him more. How wrong I was! I love him more each day and year that passes. Happy Anniversary to my best friend, greatest encourager, strongest supporter, lovingest (it's now a word) critic. He continually upholds that vow he made to "encourage you to develop of gifts God has given you!"


15 years, 5 homes, 4 states, 3 kids, 1 dog 

Proof that it was zipped up the back!

Anika took this - it is the same pose as our big, framed wedding photo.


Goodbye, Henry

After a year and a half living with us, Henry (Shin) Kim headed back to Korea at the end of this school year.  The kids were so sorry to see him go.  We enjoyed an ice cream cake to say farewell.  Anika particularly enjoyed it;-)

Opening a few gifts!

On her birthday, Kat got to open a few presents.  She got a wonderful personalized backpack and lunch bag for her start to school in the fall. She also received a pair of roller blades that she was so excited to use with Anika and Andrew.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Hello Kat, Hello Kitty

Kathryn turns 5 tomorrow so we had a little get-together with some friends.  Kat choose a "Hello Kitty" cake which came as so surprise since she has been Kitty crazy for awhile.  It ended up being a pretty simple cake to make and she helped me decorate the cake and cupcakes (aka muffins), too.  She was a pretty happy child!  Tomorrow we'll open a few gifts and finish off the "muffins" so the celebrating continues.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day 2013

Ah, Mother's Day!  What a blessing it is each year to have these little people who own so much of my heart reflect that back.  I was showered with blessings from the time I got up.  I received many "Happy Mother's Day" greetings before Anika and I headed out the door to prepare to lead worship at church this morning.  My eyes swelled with tears as the Sunday school students (including two of mine) sang "I'm Watching You".  Back at home, I was quickly hustled to a chair to open gift after thoughtful gift: homemade cards, books, and coupons all choked me up.  Dad slaved with the kids in the kitchen to produce a gourmet meal: filet mignon, twice-baked potatoes, spinach salad with poppyseed dressing, and strawberry cream pie).  Then Anika couldn't hold her delight any longer and I was treated to the most special video.  Anika and her daddy spent many hours on Friday and Sat. going through music and pictures and poems to present me with a special memory on this Mother's Day. (Kathryn isn't very clear but the other kids are!)

Oregon Visit

Over the few days that we all had off (the kids were on spring break but before I had to rush back and give a final), we sprinted north to see Pake, Lloyd's grandpa.  His health has been failing so it was a special time to see him.  When we weren't enjoying time visiting with him, we managed to sneak away to Silver Falls.  WOW!  We had a great hike and witnessed breath-taking beauty.  It was a beautiful day.

Visit with Grandma & Prandpa

I'm not quite sure how I missed posting about this great visit with Grandma and Grandpa but. . . I'm just now getting to it.  In early March, we were blessed to have a visit from my parents.  The kids had a long weekend so we enjoyed family time: kite-flying, model rocket launching, and black licorice eating.