This week, Lloyd had a much needed Sunday of pulpit relief. So, we worshiped out-of-town and then settled down for a nice relaxing day. Anika talked Daddy into painting the ceramic tea set that she got from her birthday so we all had a little craft time.
As we were waiting for the paint to dry, we all rested our eyes for a little nap when out of the blue we had a freak thunderstorm, lighting, hail all while the sun shone brightly. Then the power went out. . . and didn't come back on. I lit candles and searched for my lamp oil (yep, I was thinking about those foolish virgins in Mt. 25). Lloyd headed over to church to help with the decision to cancel evening services - as it was after sunset so it was unsafe to have people in a pitch black sanctuary. Gratefully, power was restored before bedtime so we had heat and nightlights:-) Here are a few pictures of the once-in-a-decade storm here in Ripon.Out the back door - this shows the crazy weather. The sun was shining except for the bank of dark clouds over our house. You can even see a rainbow if you look closely.
HAIL!The view out the front - quite a bit of flash flooding!