Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Sprinkler Park

After neglecting my kids in order to finish Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, I decided that I should make it up to them:-) (I jest. I was actually proud of myself for putting the book down and waiting until the kiddos went to bed.)

But with Lloyd gone at the YU convention, my fellow convention widow, Hester, and I took our kids to the sprinkler park in the Tri-Cities. It was an amazing time. There is a really neat place to get wet under the sprinklers, a huge wooden play area, a skate park, a pond, etc. . . We had a wonderful morning and a nice picnic lunch. Anika and Andrew also got to wear their new swimsuits. Dana Clark sent them presents from Pennsylvania that arrived the day before our adventure. Anika was ecstatic about her "hula" (as she called her "grass" skirt).

Monday, July 16, 2007

For Aunt Hilary

I know how much Aunt Hilary enjoys BBQ Ribs so I had to take a few shots of Anika. Needless to say, we enjoyed ribs tonight:-)

Monkey See, Monkey Do

Oh, my! This one is going to haunt me! Anika climbed up on the back of the couch and so (of course) her brother had to do the same. I didn't reprimand them at the time - instead I took a picture for the blog. (Bad parenting decision!) Now they are wanting to climb up there all the time. And Daddy isn't too happy!

Extended Family

I got a wonderful email from my cousin Melissa and Aunt Carolyn with some pictures they took while visiting my family in IL. I couldn't pass up the opportunity to share them here.
The whole family (minus the Wickers):
The McIlraths (I can't believe how much Eli has grown - distance stinks!)
Hilary, Isaiah, and Mom (I haven't even met Isaiah in person yet!!!):

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Safety First

Anika is enjoying the helmet and pads that she got from Nana. Since riding a trike can be dangerous, she likes to get duded up.

Tea Party Time

Anika was delighted to invite Diane, our neighbor and friend, over for a tea party yesterday. We picked flowers and used real cups and saucers. Diane and I enjoyed tea while Anika had fruit punch. So much fun!!!

May I have this dance. . .

Sharing a Ride

A nice brother/sister moment caught by the camera. This isn't the usually state of affairs around here but I'll take it when I can get it. Anika has taken to screeching at her brother when he doesn't anything she dislikes - There is a lot of screeching going on around here:-)