Here is my saga for the last few days. . . If you've already heard this by phone (yes, I've called a number of people to cry on shoulders) then skip this and just enjoy the pics.
For the rest of you. . .
Lloyd left for Youth Unlimited Convention on Thursday evening. Friday morning when I awoke I realized our AC wasn't working. On any normal day I wouldn't have sweated it (pun intended) but . . . Yakima Valley is currently under a heat advisory. Temperatures this weekend were upwards of 110 degrees. (Those in the midwest may be saying, "But I hear its a dry heat". Well, 110 is HOT humidity notwithstanding.) So, I labored through the day in my basement (with three extra little ones that I was baby-sitting -- hey, the time went quickly). The inside temp was over 90 degrees when my faithful friend, Bill, the AC guy showed up. He simply flipped the circuit breaker and the darn thing was up and running. We survived Sat. and Sun morning. Then during my Sunday afternoon nap the AC went out again. I tried the whole circuit breaker routine but I accomplished nada. I glanced at the outside temp and saw a blistering 118 degrees. So I couldn't imagine making it through the night. Again, Bill to the rescue. Even on the Sabbath he stopped by, flipped the stinking switch and got the thing running. Needless to say, I'm feeling quite sheepish about my home-owning capabilities but I'm VERY grateful to Bill.
Well, all of this was to explain why my kids spent their weekend this way. . .