Anika is enjoying herself tremendously. She loves her new Dora Magic Castle from Nana and her aquadoodle pad from Aunt Heather, and . . . She is in seventh heaven.
Monday, December 25, 2006
Merry Christmas!
It is hard for Anika to take time out of her busy schedule to say "thank you". (She is wearing Daddy's bluetooth handsfree ear piece so she can keep playing!)

Anika is enjoying herself tremendously. She loves her new Dora Magic Castle from Nana and her aquadoodle pad from Aunt Heather, and . . . She is in seventh heaven.
Anika is enjoying herself tremendously. She loves her new Dora Magic Castle from Nana and her aquadoodle pad from Aunt Heather, and . . . She is in seventh heaven.
Our Kids
Family Christmas Pictures
Tree Cutting
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Snow Day II
We got more snow!!! We might actually have a white Christmas in Washington. This doesn't even begin to compare with the snow in Colorado this week, but for us it is pretty cool. This wouldn't even slow things down some places but as you can see - they aren't as adept at handling snow here. (I saw my first snow plow in Sunnyside today -- I think it is new!)

Chirstmas Cookies
Thursday, December 21, 2006
More gifts
Anika is loving this time of year! She got another gift today from our friend, Kris Jensen. ("Mrs. Kris" runs the office at the church - and in Anika's mind dispenses candy!) She made Anika and Andrew pillow cases. Andrew's had trucks/tractors on his. Anika's had DORA! She was so excited. She hasn't let it out of her sight.
Andrew's Signing!
When Anika was about Andrew's age, I taught her a few basic sign in sign language to help her communicate. She really took to it and used it quite a bit. I've been trying to do the same with Andrew but with mixed results. (In large part to my lack of consistency, I'm sure!) However, we had a break through today:-) I guess an older sister can be a motivating factor. Anika was enjoying a gingerbread man and was enjoying sharing with her brother. He quickly picked up the sign that I've been showing him for weeks:-)

Here Andrew is signing "more". (Tapping his fingertips together)
Here Andrew is signing "more". (Tapping his fingertips together)
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Gift Giving
Impatient Anika
Our dear friend, Dana Clark, came over last night. She is heading home to Pennsylvania for Christmas break and so we exchanged some gifts. Anika was (needless to say) very excited about the prospect of opening presents. She was excited about giving a gift to Dana but she was beside herself with the idea of opening one herself. We told her that she would have to wait until after dinner (and clean up). While we were cleaning up she was "helping" by putting the gifts under the tree. After a few quiet moments, she comes rushing in the kitchen holding her new cash register. Somehow she picked her own gift out and opened it up. We're going to have to work on patience:-)
I made her cover it again and wait for the rest of us. She is so excited about this toy "worker" as she calls it. She spent all last night telling her brother to "Stop pushing my buttons!!!!" Oh, that she could appreciate the double meaning:-)
Friday, December 15, 2006
Just Lunch
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Andrew's First Oreo
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Life at the Wickers
Well the pictures on this post are just of an everyday, average breakfast time. But I needed an excuse to write about Anika's funny, new vocabulary. When we eat toast in the morning, she always leaves the crust. Last week she started telling me, "I don't like the sticks!" :-) Oh, the mind of an almost three-year-old.
Pure cheese!!!! (I can't believe how much this little boy hams for the camera!)
Pure cheese!!!! (I can't believe how much this little boy hams for the camera!)
Monday, December 11, 2006
Christmas Tree Time
Well, we got our Christmas tree! We went yesterday with some friends to cut down our tree. It was a tradition that ended as soon as it had begun. This Christmas tree farm is going out of business so it was our second (and last) year to go there. They were pretty picked over by Dec. 9 but we ended up being quite happy with our tree. Anika was very excited. She danced to the Christmas music (with her baby doll), hung lots of toys (i.e. ornaments), and played with her brother quite nicely. Now, it feels like Christmas!

The finished product! (I think we need to straighten that star!)
The finished product! (I think we need to straighten that star!)
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Puzzle Time
Since Thanksgiving, I've been working on this puzzle that Dana brought over. It was always a holiday tradition at our house to do a puzzle. Well, this year I (almost) single-handedly tackled this project. Wow! It was a challenge. I had to take a picture because there were times I almost gave up. I went to bed at night with checks burned into my eyelids!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Andrew: Evil genus
Can you trust this face? Andrew has an uncanny sense of when the dog dish is full. He has spilled so much water and sampled a piece or two of dog food. (Scout is pretty good at protecting her own though. She daintly takes pieces right out of Andrew's hand. But she hasn't bitten him ever!)
Snotty nose and all! Winter is the time for colds, eh?
Oregon Visit
Sorry, loyal blog watchers! It has been a long time since I posted. Well, here is one reason why. We just returned from a weekend visit with Pake and Beppe in Oregon. They are both 91 years old so we cherish every minute that we are able to spend with them. Beppe loved seeing the kiddos! I think they both enjoyed the variety that a visit brings.

Sorry, I couldn't figure out how to rotate this in the post and I didn't take the time to do it in another program. (Forgive me!)

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